About episode:

In this episode of SAP Integration & Extension Talk, July’ 2022 we engage with experts from SAP BTP Marketing & Solutions Organization and BTP foundation team. They will talk about how SAP Event Mesh enables asynchronous communication to reliably send and receive messages through applications, services, and systems using standard messaging protocols, exchange patterns, and principles. We then go deeper into understanding how businesses can experience greater agility and scalability when they create responsive applications that work independently and participate in event-driven business processes across the business ecosystem.

Interview Guest:

Craig is based out of Indianapolis, Indiana, in the States. He has been in the SAP ecosystem for about 24 years. Almost all that time he has been integrating different applications with each other or with SAP applications. Craig, joined SAP in 2015 and have been part of the solution management organization since 2020. Follow Craig on Twitter.

Sven Kohlhaas is a Development Manager for SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry runtime and SAP Private Link service at SAP. Follow Sven on SAP Community.  

Links to the Resources that were discussed in the episode:

Links for more SAP Integration Suite & SAP Extension Suite information:

Additional downloads:

Hosted by Gaurav DeyT&I Cross Architecture, SAP.

Social Media:

Follow Gaurav on - SAP Community.

About episode:

In this episode of SAP Integration & Extension Talk, July’ 2022 we engage with experts from SAP BTP Marketing & Solutions Organization and BTP foundation team. They will talk about how SAP Event Mesh enables asynchronous communication to reliably send and receive messages through applications, services, and systems using standard messaging protocols, exchange patterns, and principles. We then go deeper into understanding how businesses can experience greater agility and scalability when they create responsive applications that work independently and participate in event-driven business processes across the business ecosystem.

Interview Guest:

Craig is based out of Indianapolis, Indiana, in the States. He has been in the SAP ecosystem for about 24 years. Almost all that time he has been integrating different applications with each other or with SAP applications. Craig, joined SAP in 2015 and have been part of the solution management organization since 2020. Follow Craig on Twitter.

Sven Kohlhaas is a Development Manager for SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry runtime and SAP Private Link service at SAP. Follow Sven on SAP Community.  

Links to the Resources that were discussed in the episode:

Links for more SAP Integration Suite & SAP Extension Suite information:

Additional downloads:

Hosted by Gaurav Dey – T&I Cross Architecture, SAP.

Social Media:

Follow Gaurav on – SAP Community.