About episode:

Digital transformation, home-office, virtual classrooms, digital learning are the topics in this podcast. But in these days when a pandemic virus crisis is shutting down social life, schools, kindergartens, stores, bars, restaurants and other businesses, these topics got more attention than ever. Many people try to make the best out of this situation and want to learn and acquire new skills. In order to support this demand, SAP has recently launched a new Digital Learning initiative addressing students, schools and professionals. With openSAP - open for everyone, a new free learning offering for university students including system access and global certification with SAP Learning Hub, the SAP Young Thinkers program & HPI school cloud for schools, SAP is offering even more innovative digital educational.Next to this offerings Christoph & Thomas also discuss the tips and tricks for learning effectively remote.Beside all digital work that can be done from home, there are many people who keep the physical real world running - such as nurses, doctors, bus drivers, people working in supermarkets, police... the list is long. Kudos and a big THANK YOU! Here some resources: Press release on Digital Learning Initiative: https://news.sap.com/2020/03/new-sap-digital-learning-initiative/

SAP LiveClass & Corona updates for training: https://training.sap.com/content/covid-19-measures

SAP4School - und IUS: https://sap4school-ius.integrus.de/

SAP Young Thinkers: https://www.sap.com/corporate/en/company/innovation/next-gen-innovation-platform/young-thinkers.html

HPI Schul-Cloud: https://schul-cloud.org/

Wiki with virtual & remote learning and training tips, sources & tools: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=541820916

About episode:

Digital transformation, home-office, virtual classrooms, digital learning are the topics in this podcast. But in these days when a pandemic virus crisis is shutting down social life, schools, kindergartens, stores, bars, restaurants and other businesses, these topics got more attention than ever. Many people try to make the best out of this situation and want to learn and acquire new skills. In order to support this demand, SAP has recently launched a new Digital Learning initiative addressing students, schools and professionals. With openSAP – open for everyone, a new free learning offering for university students including system access and global certification with SAP Learning Hub, the SAP Young Thinkers program & HPI school cloud for schools, SAP is offering even more innovative digital educational.Next to this offerings Christoph & Thomas also discuss the tips and tricks for learning effectively remote.Beside all digital work that can be done from home, there are many people who keep the physical real world running – such as nurses, doctors, bus drivers, people working in supermarkets, police… the list is long. Kudos and a big THANK YOU! Here some resources: Press release on Digital Learning Initiative: https://news.sap.com/2020/03/new-sap-digital-learning-initiative/

SAP LiveClass & Corona updates for training: https://training.sap.com/content/covid-19-measures

SAP4School – und IUS: https://sap4school-ius.integrus.de/

SAP Young Thinkers: https://www.sap.com/corporate/en/company/innovation/next-gen-innovation-platform/young-thinkers.html

HPI Schul-Cloud: https://schul-cloud.org/

Wiki with virtual & remote learning and training tips, sources & tools: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=541820916