ENC139 – Business ecosystem learning architectures and Learning Ecosystems with Roland Deiser – Education NewsCast
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RolandDeiser is the founder and Chairman of the Executive Corporate Learning Forum (ECLF) and leads the Center for the Future of Organization at the Drucker School of Management. He is globally recognized as a thought leader on topics such as Corporate Learning, Organizational Design and Digital Transformation. In this episode we discuss the ecosystem approach and its implications for both business and learning. Roland shares his definition, examples like from Cisco, Otto or Siemens, the relation to platform models, as well his current research on ecosystem capability frameworks. We also discuss SAPs approach to ecosystems and topics like data maturity, interorganizational learning, learning architectures, the role of culture and a new acronym – ABC (Academia, Business, Consulting). Check out the many interesting links Roland shared in the shownotes.


Roland Deiser on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rolanddeiser/

Book: Shaping the Future of Transformational Learning: ECLF Conversations and Cases From the Last Five Years: https://www.amazon.de/dp/0990429423/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

ECLF Website:  https://www.eclf.org/home

Center for the Future of Organization (CFFO):  https://www.futureorg.org

CFFO Research Paper “Organizing for Business Ecosystem leadership”:  https://futureorg.org/ecosystem-study/

BCG on Designing Ecosystems:  https://www.bcg.com/de-de/publications/2020/how-do-you-design-a-business-ecosystem

Platforms & Ecosystems insights from MIT:  https://sloanreview.mit.edu/topic/platforms-ecosystems/

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RolandDeiser is the founder and Chairman of the Executive Corporate Learning Forum (ECLF) and leads the Center for the Future of Organization at the Drucker School of Management. He is globally recognized as a thought leader on topics such as Corporate Learning, Organizational Design and Digital Transformation. In this episode we discuss the ecosystem approach and its implications for both business and learning. Roland shares his definition, examples like from Cisco, Otto or Siemens, the relation to platform models, as well his current research on ecosystem capability frameworks. We also discuss SAPs approach to ecosystems and topics like data maturity, interorganizational learning, learning architectures, the role of culture and a new acronym – ABC (Academia, Business, Consulting). Check out the many interesting links Roland shared in the shownotes.


Roland Deiser on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rolanddeiser/

Book: Shaping the Future of Transformational Learning: ECLF Conversations and Cases From the Last Five Years: https://www.amazon.de/dp/0990429423/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

ECLF Website:  https://www.eclf.org/home

Center for the Future of Organization (CFFO):  https://www.futureorg.org

CFFO Research Paper “Organizing for Business Ecosystem leadership”:  https://futureorg.org/ecosystem-study/

BCG on Designing Ecosystems:  https://www.bcg.com/de-de/publications/2020/how-do-you-design-a-business-ecosystem

Platforms & Ecosystems insights from MIT:  https://sloanreview.mit.edu/topic/platforms-ecosystems/

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