About episode:

In this episode Karsten Hohage talks with our guests Marika Marszalkowski and Frank Essenberger about the SAP Cloud SDK, an NPM library which helps develop web applications on SAP’s Business Technology Platform. We learn about the evolution and benefits of the SDK, the differences and similarities of its Java and JavaScript flavors, SAP’s decision to run it as an open source project, and the challenges and benefits associated with all this. Marika and Frank also explain how to best get started with the SDK on GitHub.


Marika Marszalkowski is a senior developer and takes care of the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript and TypeScript. She joined the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam in 2014 as a developer, where she initially focused on frontend development and was later responsible for leading the SDK’s transition from closed source to open source. Marika holds a master’s degree in IT Systems Engineering.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marika-marszalkowski-8a1322172/

Frank Essenberger is a senior developer in the SAP Cloud SDK team in Potsdam. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics and joined SAP in 2017. After having worked on different cloud applications like SAP RealSpend, he now works on the Cloud SDK.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-essenberger-0023351b8/

Show Notes:

Hosted by Karsten Hohage – Product Expert in Technology and Innovation (T&I)

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karsten-hohage-0180312/

About episode:

In this episode Karsten Hohage talks with our guests Marika Marszalkowski and Frank Essenberger about the SAP Cloud SDK, an NPM library which helps develop web applications on SAP’s Business Technology Platform. We learn about the evolution and benefits of the SDK, the differences and similarities of its Java and JavaScript flavors, SAP’s decision to run it as an open source project, and the challenges and benefits associated with all this. Marika and Frank also explain how to best get started with the SDK on GitHub.


Marika Marszalkowski is a senior developer and takes care of the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript and TypeScript. She joined the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam in 2014 as a developer, where she initially focused on frontend development and was later responsible for leading the SDK’s transition from closed source to open source. Marika holds a master’s degree in IT Systems Engineering.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marika-marszalkowski-8a1322172/

Frank Essenberger is a senior developer in the SAP Cloud SDK team in Potsdam. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics and joined SAP in 2017. After having worked on different cloud applications like SAP RealSpend, he now works on the Cloud SDK.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-essenberger-0023351b8/

Show Notes:

Hosted by Karsten Hohage – Product Expert in Technology and Innovation (T&I)

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karsten-hohage-0180312/