Welcome to openSAP Invites! I’m your host, Elisabeth Riemann, and in this teaser episode, we’ve invited the founder of openSAP, Clemens Link, to talk to us about SAP’s free learning platform. We talk about what inspired him to create openSAP in 2013, the importance and benefits of MOOCs, and new complementary learning offerings in the form of microlearning and podcasts.
Discover background knowledge about openSAP, hear about the people working behind the scenes, and learn about the numbers that motivate, excite, and help us to learn more about the openSAP community.
Guest: Clemens Link
Founder of openSAP
Clemens has worked at SAP in Walldorf, Germany, for over 20 years and has extensive experience with software development, product management, business development, and digital media. As founder and key member of the openSAP team, he’s responsible for our strategy and course portfolio, learning analytics, and works in close collaboration with the Hasso Plattner Institute.
Show Notes:
- References & Recommendations
- Clemens first MOOC experience in 2012 and his inspiration for creating openSAP In-Memory Data Management by Prof. Hasso Plattner
- Hasso Plattner Institute: https://hpi.de/
- openHPI: https://open.hpi.de/
- Podcast recommendations:
- English:
- Coffee Corner Radio, SAP’s unofficial community podcast
- The Real Python Podcast, Real Python
- Business Wars, Wondery
- And of course all the ones offered by openSAP
- German:
- Neuland, der HPI-Wissenspodcast
- Wieder was gelernt, n-tv
- KidsLab by Sven Haiges
- English:
- Social media
- Follow Clemens on Twitter @clemenslink
Hosted by Elisabeth Riemann – Senior Knowledge Consultant & Product Manager, openSAP
Social Media:
Twitter: @ElisabethRiema1