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Last year, we learned the benefits of state management using Redux and Redux Toolkit. This year, we are building on that and learning all about one of the tools provided out of the box with Redux Toolkit, RTK Query. Cut down on code you need to write or maintain when getting the data your application needs by automatically handling caching, error handling, loading, and more with RTK Query. While RTK Query is UI agnostic, this presentation will be using React. Previous knowledge of React and Redux Toolkit is required.

While RTK Query is UI framework agnostic, this presentation will be using React.

Link to repo: here
Link to starting branch: here
Link to Redux DevTools Extension: here

RTK Query Documentation: here

Frontend UI Design by Daphine Biruma

Back to series:

Last year, we learned the benefits of state management using Redux and Redux Toolkit. This year, we are building on that and learning all about one of the tools provided out of the box with Redux Toolkit, RTK Query. Cut down on code you need to write or maintain when getting the data your application needs by automatically handling caching, error handling, loading, and more with RTK Query. While RTK Query is UI agnostic, this presentation will be using React. Previous knowledge of React and Redux Toolkit is required.

While RTK Query is UI framework agnostic, this presentation will be using React.

Link to repo: here
Link to starting branch: here
Link to Redux DevTools Extension: here

RTK Query Documentation: here

Frontend UI Design by Daphine Biruma