About episode:

OpenSAP Course “Generative AI at SAP” starting this week!
Jump-Start Your Document Processing Use Case with Generative AI: Here
Power the Future of Your Business with Generative AI: Here
Developer Keynote: Here
OpenSAP course: Generative AI at SAP: Here

SAP BTP, ABAP Environment Release 2311
Blog #1: Here
Blog#2: Here
“Did You Know” shorts Nr. 2 – Deploy a Docker image to Cloud Foundry with the cf CLI
Deploy Docker images in the Cloud Foundry environment: Here

SAP Analytics Cloud 2023/Q4 Release
What’s New in SAP Analytics Cloud Q4 2023: Here
SAP Analytics Cloud Highlight: Composite: Here
Announcing the new SAP Analytics Cloud feature: Widget Add-on: Here
SAP Analytics Cloud: Custom Widget Hands-on Guide: Here

The Open Resource Discovery protocol
Open Resource Discovery, a Protocol for Decentralized Metadata Discovery, is now Open Source (blog post): Here
Introducing the Open Resource Discovery protocol (video): Here

New Learning Journey for SAP Fiori Elements and SAPUI5 in SAP Build Code
Developing an SAP Fiori Elements App Based on a CAP OData V4 Service (learning journey): Here
SAPUI5 Development with SAP Build Code (blog post): Here

Show Notes:
About episode:

OpenSAP Course “Generative AI at SAP” starting this week!
Jump-Start Your Document Processing Use Case with Generative AI: Here
Power the Future of Your Business with Generative AI: Here
Developer Keynote: Here
OpenSAP course: Generative AI at SAP: Here

SAP BTP, ABAP Environment Release 2311
Blog #1: Here
Blog#2: Here
“Did You Know” shorts Nr. 2 – Deploy a Docker image to Cloud Foundry with the cf CLI
Deploy Docker images in the Cloud Foundry environment: Here

SAP Analytics Cloud 2023/Q4 Release
What’s New in SAP Analytics Cloud Q4 2023: Here
SAP Analytics Cloud Highlight: Composite: Here
Announcing the new SAP Analytics Cloud feature: Widget Add-on: Here
SAP Analytics Cloud: Custom Widget Hands-on Guide: Here

The Open Resource Discovery protocol
Open Resource Discovery, a Protocol for Decentralized Metadata Discovery, is now Open Source (blog post): Here
Introducing the Open Resource Discovery protocol (video): Here

New Learning Journey for SAP Fiori Elements and SAPUI5 in SAP Build Code
Developing an SAP Fiori Elements App Based on a CAP OData V4 Service (learning journey): Here
SAPUI5 Development with SAP Build Code (blog post): Here

Show Notes: