Logistics plays a crucial role in the supply chain as it is responsible for the efficient and smooth movement of goods and services from manufacturer to consumer.
In this podcast episode, we talk to Jochen Freese from Forto about how technology and innovation can improve the supply chain and help minimize its environmental impact. We also discuss the latest trends, challenges and solutions on the road to a greener logistics industry.
Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.

Guest: Jochen Freese
Jochen Freese is Executive Vice President and Strategic Advisor at Forto. Before that, he was leading the sales organisation. As Chief Commercial Officer, he drove global procurement of transport capacities, management and growth of the Forto partner network, and strategic business development. In the course of his career, Jochen has been steering global commercial and operating functions for leading logistics companies.

Host: Nicole Smythe, SAP
Nicole Smythe is a marketer, blogger, and podcaster in the Digital Supply Chain and ERP space at SAP. With a Master’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management and various field experiences, she hopes to bring a fresh, new perspective to the space with her active marketing contributions, focusing on topics like market trends, emerging technology, and the next generation of workers.

Host: Sin To, SAP
Sin To has more than fifteen years of experience in the digital media industry and technology sector in the field of marketing, advertising, business development, thought leadership, and as a contributing editor. In 2019, she joined SAP’s digital supply chain team to drive thought leadership and awareness of SAP’s supply chain solutions, emerging market trends, and sustainability.
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Social Media Links
- SAP Digital Supply Chain: www.sap.com/scm
Follow Us on Social Media
- Jochen Freese
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jochen-freese-0a2b967/?originalSubdomain=de
- Nicole Smythe:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolesmythe-mba/
- X: https://twitter.com/NSmythe_DSC
- Sin To:
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sin-to-5334208
- X: https://twitter.com/sin_to
- SAP Digital Supply Chain:
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/showcase/sapdsc/
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/SCMatSAP
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