Episode 14: Understanding Organizational Trust with Sandra Sucher – The Trust Corner
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Trust is still a new business category that companies like SAP have prioritized by building their own Chief Trust Offices. Academics and researchers were pioneers in understanding the importance and power of trust and how organizations can learn how to build and nurture it. Sandra Sucher, professor of management practice at Harvard Business School, internationally recognize trust researcher, and author of "The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It Lose It, Regain It", joins Elena Kvochko, Chief Trust Officer at SAP, to discuss her research in organizational trust and what companies can do to foster trust in times of crisis.

Guest: Sandra Sucher, Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School and author

Host: Elena Kvochko, Chief Trust Officer at SAP

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Show notes:
Sandra Sucher's website: https://sandrasucher.com/

Episode produced by Marifer Valenzuela, Customer Experience Producer at SAP.

Intro by Debby Greif, Senior Project Manager at SAP

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Trust is still a new business category that companies like SAP have prioritized by building their own Chief Trust Offices. Academics and researchers were pioneers in understanding the importance and power of trust and how organizations can learn how to build and nurture it. Sandra Sucher, professor of management practice at Harvard Business School, internationally recognize trust researcher, and author of “The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It Lose It, Regain It”, joins Elena Kvochko, Chief Trust Officer at SAP, to discuss her research in organizational trust and what companies can do to foster trust in times of crisis.

Guest: Sandra Sucher, Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School and author

Host: Elena Kvochko, Chief Trust Officer at SAP

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Show notes:
Sandra Sucher’s website: https://sandrasucher.com/

Episode produced by Marifer Valenzuela, Customer Experience Producer at SAP.

Intro by Debby Greif, Senior Project Manager at SAP