The ui5-community GitHub organization evolved to a central place to develop and share UI5 projects. It has become a great place to find ideas, to pick-up and continue ideas and finally make them available for the whole UI5 community. Starting with the UI5 ecosystem showcase mono repository hosting several tooling extensions, it now hosts more and more individual projects for different purposes: applications, libraries, custom controls, tooling extensions, middlewares, tasks or Easy-UI5 generators. Many developers contributed over the past year and during the panel discussion.
Volker Buzek and Peter Muessig interviewed at UI5con 2022 some of the UI5 community contributors: Jakob Kjaer, Nitish Metha, Marian Zeiss and Marco Beier to share their experiences and some history.
UI5 Community GitHub Organisation:
UI5 Ecosystem Showcase:
Best Of UI5:
UI5Lab: (deprecated)
Blogs around OpenUI5: