About episode:

Welcome to openSAP Invites. I’m your host Elisabeth Riemann and in this episode, we learn more about SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) with Christian Georgi. It’s great to hear about his personal experiences as a course instructor in the popular openSAP Course “Building Applications with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model”. Christian explains to us exactly what CAP is, how it can streamline and simplify development, and provides a clear overview of the benefits CAP offers today – and what’s to come.  Whether you’re completely new to CAP and looking for an introduction or you’re already proficient with using it to build your own applications, this episode will give you lots of new information, guidance, and learning recommendations.   

Guest: Christian Georgi

Christian Georgi is a development expert for SAP Cloud Platform. He has been designing and developing tools in Eclipse, SAP Web IDE, SAP HANA Studio, and ABAP Development Tools for many years. For SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP), his focus is on providing tools and spreading the word about CAP.

Show Notes:

Hosted by Elisabeth Riemann - Senior Knowledge Consultant & Product Manager, openSAP

Social Media

Twitter: @ElisabethRiema1

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/elisabeth-riemann-213838131

About episode:

Welcome to openSAP Invites. I’m your host Elisabeth Riemann and in this episode, we learn more about SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) with Christian Georgi. It’s great to hear about his personal experiences as a course instructor in the popular openSAP Course “Building Applications with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model”. Christian explains to us exactly what CAP is, how it can streamline and simplify development, and provides a clear overview of the benefits CAP offers today – and what’s to come.  Whether you’re completely new to CAP and looking for an introduction or you’re already proficient with using it to build your own applications, this episode will give you lots of new information, guidance, and learning recommendations.   

Guest: Christian Georgi

Christian Georgi is a development expert for SAP Cloud Platform. He has been designing and developing tools in Eclipse, SAP Web IDE, SAP HANA Studio, and ABAP Development Tools for many years. For SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP), his focus is on providing tools and spreading the word about CAP.

Show Notes:

Hosted by Elisabeth Riemann – Senior Knowledge Consultant & Product Manager, openSAP

Social Media

Twitter: @ElisabethRiema1

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/elisabeth-riemann-213838131

1 comment on “Episode 4: Learn How to Build Applications with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model

  1. says:

    Lot of good material here keep up the good work

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