About episode:

It took us some time - but we're back! In episode #13 Tobias Hofmann, Peter Müßig and Christoph Haffner talk about how people can contribute to OpenUI5 or the overall UI5 community. Tobias is Senior SAP Consultant at BridgingIT  – and he is working on cloud and UI5 topics since a couple of years. He acted as a speaker at several events and a very active member and contributor in the UI5 community – and in particular he is a great supporter of OpenUI5.

Peter and Tobias give insights on different contribution options to OpenUI5 and explain details about what’s happening with your issues and pull requests. They also talk about the requirements to you as contributors and the perspective of SAP developers who finally need to take over the responsibility of your contributions. You also get an overview on the different UI5 open-source projects and the various community channels.


OpenUI5 Homepage: https://openui5.org/
OpenUI5 Community: https://openui5.org/community/

UI5-related GitHub Repositories:

OpenUI5: https://github.com/SAP/openui5
OpenUI5 Documentation: https://sap.github.io/openui5-docs/
UI5 Web Components: https://sap.github.io/ui5-webcomponents/
UI5 Tooling: https://sap.github.io/ui5-tooling/

Community-driven projects:

UI5Lab: https://ui5lab.io/
UI5 Ecosystem Showcase: https://github.com/petermuessig/ui5-ecosystem-showcase/

Contact Information:

Tobias Hofmann
Twitter: @tobiashofmann
GitHub: @tobiashofmann

Peter Muessig
Twitter: @pmuessig
GitHub: @petermuessig

About episode:

It took us some time – but we’re back! In episode #13 Tobias Hofmann, Peter Müßig and Christoph Haffner talk about how people can contribute to OpenUI5 or the overall UI5 community. Tobias is Senior SAP Consultant at BridgingIT  – and he is working on cloud and UI5 topics since a couple of years. He acted as a speaker at several events and a very active member and contributor in the UI5 community – and in particular he is a great supporter of OpenUI5.

Peter and Tobias give insights on different contribution options to OpenUI5 and explain details about what’s happening with your issues and pull requests. They also talk about the requirements to you as contributors and the perspective of SAP developers who finally need to take over the responsibility of your contributions. You also get an overview on the different UI5 open-source projects and the various community channels.


OpenUI5 Homepage: https://openui5.org/
OpenUI5 Community: https://openui5.org/community/

UI5-related GitHub Repositories:

OpenUI5: https://github.com/SAP/openui5
OpenUI5 Documentation: https://sap.github.io/openui5-docs/
UI5 Web Components: https://sap.github.io/ui5-webcomponents/
UI5 Tooling: https://sap.github.io/ui5-tooling/

Community-driven projects:

UI5Lab: https://ui5lab.io/
UI5 Ecosystem Showcase: https://github.com/petermuessig/ui5-ecosystem-showcase/

Contact Information:

Tobias Hofmann
Twitter: @tobiashofmann
GitHub: @tobiashofmann

Peter Muessig
Twitter: @pmuessig
GitHub: @petermuessig

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